#!/bin/tclsh #################################################### # Mr V vPath 2.0 # #################################################### # Requires TCL installed under glftpd.. # # download tcl. ./configure --prefix=/glftpd # # Requires TCL-SQL # # http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=39175&package_id=31338 # if you are not able to compile it.. there is a # # sql-redhat61.so that should works under linux # # and one for solaris.. # # Have Fun # #################################################### # siteName set siteName "MRV" # usersFolder set usersFolder "/ftp-data/users" # define Groups Dir (where groups folders are hosted) splitted by ":" set groupsDir "/site/Groups:/site/MovieS/Groups:/site/Console/Groups" # define working groups to analyze set groups "GRPA GRPB STAFF" set group(GRPA) "/site/Groups/442" set group(GRPB) "/site/Groups/CRAZYCUBE" set group(STAFF) "/site/Groups/STAFF" # log Staff logins ? set staffLog "1" # Output Lines set outLines "7" set sql(host) "" set sql(login) "vpath" set sql(pass) "!path2004" set sql(table) "vPath" set sql(db) "vcheck" # Path of tcl-sql.so library set sql(lib) "/usr/lib/tcl-sql.so" # logo set logo "\(vPATH-$siteName\)" #>sql table: # create table vPath ( # logID INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, # userName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, # userGroup VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, # fullDir VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, # groupDir VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, # unixTime INT NOT NULL, # PRIMARY KEY (logID) # ); proc vpath:getGroup {path} { global group groups groupsDir foreach dir [split $groupsDir ":"] { if {[string match "$dir" $path]} { return "GROUPSDiR" } } foreach n $groups { if {([string match "$group($n)/*" $path]) || ([string match "$group($n)" $path])} { return "$n" } } return "UNKNOWN" } proc vpath:isStaff {} { global usersFolder currUser isStaff set of [open $usersFolder/$currUser r] while {![eof $of]} { set line [gets $of] if {[lindex $line 0] == "FLAGS"} { if {[string match "*1*" [lindex $line 1]]} { close $of set isStaff 1 return 1 } } } close $of set isStaff 0 return 0 } proc vpath:log {} { global currUser currPath currGroup sql set grp [vpath:getGroup $currPath] sql exec $sql(conn) "INSERT INTO vPath VALUES ('NULL', '$currUser', '$currGroup', '$currPath/', '$grp', '[clock seconds]');" } proc vpath:getLog {} { global sql currUser currGroup currPath outLines logo isStaff siteName set dirType [vpath:getGroup $currPath] if {$dirType == "GROUPSDiR"} { if {$isStaff == "1"} { set qdir $currPath } else { return 0 } } else { set qdir $currPath/ } set a $outLines vpath:query "SELECT userName, userGroup, groupDir, unixTime FROM vPath WHERE fullDir LIKE '$qdir%' ORDER BY unixTime DESC LIMIT $outLines;" set groupDir [lindex [join $rows] 2] puts "$logo >> Last $outLines logs into $groupDir PREDiR.." puts "$logo >>--------------------------------- - --- ----- - -" foreach {user group gdir time} [join $rows] { puts "$logo >> #$a $user\($group\) @ [clock format $time -format "%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y"]" incr a -1 } vpath:query "SELECT COUNT(logID), COUNT(DISTINCT(userName)), MIN(unixTime), COUNT(DISTINCT(userGroup)) FROM vPath WHERE groupDir='$groupDir';" set logs [lindex $rows 0] set users [lindex $rows 1] set started [lindex $rows 2] set groups [lindex $rows 3] puts "$logo >>--------------------------------- - --- ----- - -" if {$started != ""} { puts "$logo >> Since [clock format $started -format "%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y"] there were $logs logs from $users user/s of $groups group/s" } else { puts "$logo >> First log on the predir.. Welcome $dirType to $siteName" } puts "$logo" return 1 } proc vpath:main {} { global argv env sql currPath currUser currGroup usersFolder groups isStaff group groupsDir outLines siteName staffLog logo puts "$logo >> vPath.. Ultimate security for your predirs!" set currUser $env(USER) set currGroup $env(GROUP) set isStaff [vpath:isStaff] set currPath [pwd] vpath:getLog if {($staffLog == "0") && ($isStaff == "1")} { puts "$logo >> skipping log routine.. staff excempt!" } else { vpath:log puts "$logo >> .. logged correctly .." } return 0 } proc vpath:connect {} { global sql load $sql(lib) set sql(conn) [sql connect $sql(host) $sql(login) $sql(pass)] sql selectdb $sql(conn) $sql(db) set sql(action) [clock seconds] } proc vpath:query {myQuery} { global sql sql query $sql(conn) $myQuery upvar 1 rows rows set rows "" while {[set row [sql fetchrow $sql(conn)]] != ""} { if {[llength $row] != 1} { lappend rows $row } else { lappend rows [lindex $row 0] } } catch {sql endquery $sql(conn)} if {([string index $rows 0] == "\{") && ([llength $rows] == 1)} { set rows [lindex $rows 0] } set sql(action) [clock seconds] return 0 } vpath:connect vpath:main